30 Apr 2009
Stone me.

Well collared.

28 Apr 2009
On the Pennine Way

26 Apr 2009
A hearty breakfast.
Meeting up with AC we walked the path behind the paddocks where a single Whinchat and about 10 Wheatear charged around amongst the steaming piles of horse sh1t. Plenty of hirundines were seen coming in over the beach and good numbers of Sedge Warblers, Reed & Common Whitethroat were logged - soon to be recorded for posterity in a log book placed in the Fishermans Cafe by the fishing pools along Lingham Lane.
A need for calories led us to join the two Kens - Mr Roberts & Ken(dough) Nagasaki for a spot of wrestling with a full English at aforesaid cafe. Even Molly was allowed in and given the odd morsel as we consumed our breakfast and several cups of tea.
Nice to meet up with Ian Fleming this morning who found Friday's Wood Warbler. Good find Ian - keep finding those birds.
Amazingly another Wirral first reportedly turned up at that inland migrant hot spot of Gilroy today when a Spotted Flycatcher was seen. With all the birders out and about around Lingham Lane and theLighthouse this weekend its suprising one hasn't been found elsewhere. Not even Portland Bird Observatory has logged one.
My prediction for the next few days? Subalpine Warbler somewher in the N West along with Whiskered Tern- preferably close to home but not Gilroy where birds seem to disappear soon after dawn.
25 Apr 2009
Another cracking day on the Wirral
Even before the first cuppa had been drunk a male Redstart was caught and ringed followed closely by a Mealy Redpoll. Nice to get the oppurtunity to see one close up rather than cricking my neck in Stanney Woods looking up their backsides at undertail coverts. The second caught in two days and as Steve pointed out considering the number of Redpolls caught at the Obs there's a relatively high percentage of Mealy's this year showing we've had a good season for them in the N West.
Plenty of Wheatears moved through during the day and they ended up perching on all kinds of wierd places including chimneys and the tops of mist net poles.

Knackered after the days exertions I just about summoned up the energy to walk Molly for a few miles around my local area in the afternoon. The Little-ringed Plover seem to have moved on and their muddy home is rapidly drying up. Singing Lesser Whitethroat was the best bird - for the last few years they've always arrived around about this time in April. Tomoorow dawns another day but I cetainly won't be setting the alarm to early!
24 Apr 2009
Git orrff my land......................
A cracking bird but highly mobile and elusive.
Plenty else to keep the Lighthouse team occupied today with several Whinchat, at least 10 Wheaters still early afternoon, a male Redstart, reeling Grasshopper Warblers, Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, Reed Warblers, Blackcap, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaff and Sedge Warblers.

Local birding doesn't get better than this...............................
22 Apr 2009
Proof for King Kenny and the solving of a mystery.
After seemingly going missing the Little-ringed Plover are back and showing no signs of wanting to leave even though the water is rapidly evaporating. It also looks as if at least two pairs of Lapwings may also be attempting to nest in this field as well. A quick trip down tonight with Mark Turner got him the plovers for his Wirral list.

Meanwhile back on Hilbre the resident Linnets are already nest building as are the Meadow Pipits. Not much else on the Island at the moment but a reeling Grasshopper Warbler was a nice surprise.

What I didn't mention in my last post was Friday's White Stork found by Chester Zoo's two Sarah's near Malpas and searched for later by Roger W and my good self to no avail. Photographic proof has been sent to the Rarities Committee and the same bird may have been seen flying over Northop Hall Sunday afternoon. Along with the Helsby White-throated Sparrow thats another BBRC rarity escaped the Cheshire Listers this year. Bu*ger.
19 Apr 2009
Waders, wellies and migrants.

My local 'patch' is rapidly becoming the Gilroy of the South Wirral with Thursdays Spotted Redhank staying until at least Friday evening. Two Tree Pipits flying over early Friday morning and the first Common Whitethroat singing from a hawthorn hedge completed the haul. People may mock but when I find the spring Broad-billed Sandpiper on my muddy cow pat strewn local piece of field they will mock no more............................................................................................
Hilbre was the chosen venue for the weekends birding activities and walking through the channel resulted in wet feet meaning I'll have to buy my own magic wellies! Good numbers of migrants were about on both days although the early starts were a bit strenuous. Suprisingly its taken two weeks for Whimbrel to move the short distance from the birding blackhole in West Kirby to Hilbre where the first small groups were heard, seen and photographed.

Talking of Red-rumped Swallows - there is some confusion over when it was last seen. The last confirmed sighting was Friday night but there were two sightings Saturday, one of which was well away from its usual haunt. This was then deemed to be 'erroneous' by RBA but still feature on a local webiste. What is happening?
But I digress and mine is not to reason why. They must have their reasons. Hilbre also provided my first Yellow Wagtail(s) of the year with a bird heard Saturday and one seen Sunday. Along with several Tree Pipits a very elusive Ring Ouzel, double figures of Wheatear lots of phlylloscopus Warblers and a strong passage of both hirundines and Finches it was a good weekend to be on the Island.

A great weekend. Plenty of birds, good craic, good beer, a curry and beautiful weather. The only downside was a dead leg after being head butted by one of Hilbre's delinquent sheep that also tried to toss poor Molly over the fence. They obviously have a thing about men in wellies.......
16 Apr 2009
They're magic wellies.

An early start today meant I was out at first light walking Molly. There must have been a fall last night as every bush seemed to hold either a Willow Warbler or Blackcap and two Tree Pipits flew over calling.