
26 Apr 2009

A hearty breakfast.

Unable to get up so early this morning I eventually made it out just after 08.00 and headed up to the 'Lighthouse Bird Observatory' to check for newly arrived migrants. On arrival it was immediately obvious that the news of the last couple of days good birds had dragged in birders from far and wide. Every bramble bush containing a Grasshopper Warbler had its attendant photographers.

Meeting up with AC we walked the path behind the paddocks where a single Whinchat and about 10 Wheatear charged around amongst the steaming piles of horse sh1t. Plenty of hirundines were seen coming in over the beach and good numbers of Sedge Warblers, Reed & Common Whitethroat were logged - soon to be recorded for posterity in a log book placed in the Fishermans Cafe by the fishing pools along Lingham Lane.

A need for calories led us to join the two Kens - Mr Roberts & Ken(dough) Nagasaki for a spot of wrestling with a full English at aforesaid cafe. Even Molly was allowed in and given the odd morsel as we consumed our breakfast and several cups of tea.

Nice to meet up with Ian Fleming this morning who found Friday's Wood Warbler. Good find Ian - keep finding those birds.

Amazingly another Wirral first reportedly turned up at that inland migrant hot spot of Gilroy today when a Spotted Flycatcher was seen. With all the birders out and about around Lingham Lane and theLighthouse this weekend its suprising one hasn't been found elsewhere. Not even Portland Bird Observatory has logged one.

My prediction for the next few days? Subalpine Warbler somewher in the N West along with Whiskered Tern- preferably close to home but not Gilroy where birds seem to disappear soon after dawn.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, its a typical year for Spotted Fly as far as its possible to tell before they arrive. It must have been attracted in by the Garden Warbler. I always associate the two species - conditions for one tend to bring the other.

This is a great resource....

It also shows a few Ring Ouzel anomolies

it has indeed been a poor year in most of the country.

Phil Woollen. said...

Interesting reading Jane. Would make the Spotted Flycatcher early than the average by almost 2 weeks.