Persistance was rewarded Saturday morning with a superb Waxwing feeding on hawthorn berrys before flying north. Initially picked up on call I watched it from close range for about 5 minutes. Fantastic birds and I never get tired of seeing them. With good numbers beginning to arrive on the east coast we'll hopefully get a few more to provide a photo oppurtunity. As well as searching the less salubrious areas of the area I've also spent alot of time in Stanney Woods and Rivacre Valley. Unfortunately it does look as if the fragile hold the Marsh Tits had on Stanney has been broken as I've not seen or heard one since April this year.
Loads of Redwings must have roosted in Stanney as they arrived in Friday night. The wood was full of them and Blackbirds. With two more Red-flanked Bluetails and good numbers of Pallas's Warblers on the East coast its only a matter of time before we get a biggie!

Finally congratulations to Cheshire legend 'Bluebirder' and his lovely wife Tracy who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last week. to help them celebrate this momentuous occasion we met up for a few beers! I was pretty hungover Saturday but still managed to get out in the field before 09.00 - unlike someone who was apparantely so hungover his wife had to ask the hotel if they could keep the room longer cos he couldn't get out of bed.

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