
16 Jan 2017

Wet, miserable and jet lagged - birding from the windows.

Wet and miserable - the weather not me! Jet lagged is me. With lots of work going on in the house coupled with bad weather there hasn't been much incentive to go out birding anywhere so I've concentrated on recording stuff in my new 'patch' - most of which I can see from the windows.

Highlights have been up to 60 Teal using a baited flight pond hidden amongst trees i na field opposite the house and the good numbers of gulls, thrushes and wagtails feeding on fields that have just had manure spread on them. Saturday there were at least 300 Redwings and Fieldfares with good numbers of Starlings, Rooks and Jackdaws thrown in

Sunday saw the turn of the gulls. Scoping from the upstairs windows I picked out my first Lesser Black-backed Gulls of the year amongst a throng of Black-headed Gulls, Common Gulls and Herring Gulls. I even tried a bit of phonescoping but the light was dire.

From the front  of the house I phonescoped the Grey Wagtail that hangs around the muddy field entrance.

Not very inspiring photos but great fun moving from the front to the back of the house with the scope seeing what  I can pick out next.

1 comment :

Coquetnaturelover said...

Ooops, I should have said Australia, sorry! What a great experience.