Available for hire or to buy they can allow instant alerts to be broadcast when rare birds are found. Conversely when things are quiet they can cause endless amusement to childish individuals pretending to be Kris Kristofferson: 'come in rubber duck' or 'I think we've got ourselve's a convoy'. (You really do have to be beyond a certain age to get those references).
This year one was used by a certain birder of my acquaintance, allegedly (according to Paddy Pointon) originating from the forests of Borneo, who unfortunately left it on transmit whilst sat outside the pub with his mate and discussing his sex life (his mate not our mate). Not only this but he was also imparting his thoughtfully constructed views on the possibility that someone had (as they allegedly stated at the evening log) possibly heard a Least Grebe!!!!!! Don't they sound a bit like Little Grebes?
Those who know the person concerned will instantly know who it is but to spare his embarased blushes he shall not be named................................................................
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