Whilst returning home from this bird news came through of a 1st winter male Desert Wheatear on the beach at Crosby. Should I or shouldn't I? It didn't take long to make my mind up and I continued up the M6 and turned off on the M62 towards Liverpool..........just as the news came that the bird had flown so I turned off intending to go home though Widnes followed by Paul Hackett who thought I knew a short cut! Nice to speak with you again Paul! Sods law dictated the bird would return so I carried on past home and through the Mersey Tunnel to join the dozen or so birders and hundreds of families on Crosby beach. The bird certainly caused a lot of interest and didn't seem worried by all the attention as it fed on the strand line. The fourth N W record in two years following on from last springs adult male at Irlam, a bird in N Wales and the suppressed bird at Crewe!

What a cracking little bird and a brilliant find by one of the Crosby regulars. Surely we'll get one on the N Wirral coast soon. Pleassseeeeeeee.
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