
15 Aug 2008

The two bird theory

It always happens. 'But there must have been two birds'. There have been several reports recently of a Ruddy Shelduck on Frodsham No 6 tank consorting with the local Shelducks. The problem is theres a couple of hybrids knocking around as well. A report of a Ruddy Shelduck comes out. I ring Frank. Its a hybrid. Still the news comes out. So armed with the camera I set off to try and photograph this 'thing' to determine once and for all. See for yourself.................

There is a real (escaped) Ruddy Shelduck knocking around- theres one been knocking up the local Shelducks (or vice versa) but all the reports from Frodsham seem to relate to this hybrid. Or is there conspiracy theory at play? Others see a Ruddy Shelduck but no hybrid. We see a hybrid but no parent......................

Apart from this horrible looking thing No. 6 played host to a couple of Black-necked grebes and a good variety of waders with partial summer plumaged Knot & Sanderling amongst the commoner Dunlin, Redshank, Black-tailed Godwits and Ringed Plover. A single Common Sandpiper was heard but not seen. Also of interest here was a flock of at least 100+ Common Swifts witout a Pacific or Little amongst them.

Locally theres been little about. The highlight of the week being a Hobby scything through the Hirundine flock over Lea Manor farm and a singing Yellowhammer in the same area. Apart from that I've resorted to try and photogrpah 'our' garden House Sparrow flock that have now grown to about 20 after a succesful breeding season. When not on the feeders they congregate in our laurel hedge.
The garden Blackbirds have just fledged their second brood and the whole family is busy stuffing themselves stupid on my Rowan Berries. At this rate there won't be any left for this years Waxwing invasion.

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