
4 Dec 2014

Kashmir Redstart

A much better sounding name than Eastern Black Redstart of the form phoenicuroides. This form is being touted as a potential split and given full species status rather than being just a race. It was only accepted onto the British list in September this year 23 years after the first was trapped and ringed in November 1981 at Dungeness, Kent. Another bird accepted at the same time was one that graced Wells, Norfolk in 2003.

Fast forward to November 2011 (there's a theme developing here - a true November bird!) when one turned up in Margate, Kent and another on Holy Island, Northumberland. I couldn't get to either!

Low and behold one turns up on Scilly a few days ago and another in Scalby Mills, Yorkshire.
Plans were made and a business trip to Leeds meant I was fortuitously within striking distance if the bird was still there. It was and I saw it!

It was a bit more elusive than it had been and was ranging further afield being seen in the next street but returning to its favoured garden once every 2-3 hours. A cracking little bird and well worth seeing even if it never gets elevated to full species status.

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