
1 Jul 2011

A frustrating week.

Frustrating because I've not been able to drive until my stitches are out. Actually its not been bad. An enforced 'holiday' during the warmest week of June! For the last couple of days I've put a small mist net up in the garden and caught just short of 40 birds. Interestingly l lot of the adult Blue  & Great Tits have almost finished their summer moult but the finches don't appear to have started yet.

Best bird though must be this stonking adult male Greenfinch. A beautiful bird and really bright colours. It's nice to see a healthy one after a few with trichomonosis were found in the garden earlier in the year.  Another interesting aspect is the numbers of Great Tits in relation to Blue Tits - a ratio of 6:1 in favour of the bigger bird and the same ratio applies to both adults and juveniles. It will be interesting to see if this is replicated at other garden ringing sites we use.

Sitting in the garden has meant I've kept one eye to the skies for visible migration - 6 Crossbills, a Peregrine and quite a few Curlew being the weeks highlights.

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