
9 Nov 2010

Its officially autumn.

The recent change in the weaather has caused the leaves to turn colour quickly  and some of the colours are amazing. In the autumn sunshine they glow gold, yellow and red. Photographs don't always do them justice.

Not only are the leaves looking spectacular but theres a good array of fungi in the local woods.
Finches are gathering in good numbers on the stubble fields and I keep looking out for a Wood Lark! Every year I hope to find a wintering bird and this year is no exception. With two on a stubble field near Holmes Chapel maybe my luck will be in!
Two trips to Hilbre last weekend - Saturday's was restricted to a few hours after the tide to see if any birds dropped in before dusk whilst Sunday saw a full compliment of the Obs team on the Islands from dawn. Another sign that Autumn is upon us is the reappearance of the photgenic Purple Sandpipers. A maximum of 8 have been counted so far this year, including these two roosting over the high tide at the north end.

Its always nice to see these charismatic little waders back. Brent Goose numbers are building up nicely with 90+ being counted on the sea over high tide whislt a good passage of Blackbirds, Song Thrushes and Redwings passed over head with a few birds trapped and ringed during the course of the day.

No sign of anymore Waxwings locally but with a few turning up at other sites in Cheshire I'm sure we'll get a few more locally this winter.

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