
9 Sept 2009

Sandpipers galore.

Meandered down to Inner Marsh Farm RSPB earlier this week and caught up with a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper that frustrated my attempts at photographing it by remaining distant. Water levels low with plenty of exposed mud and looking good for a rare wader or two...............................
Not so this individual at Traeth Dullas that landed my side of the stream briefly. One of 4- 5 present along with the long staying Baird's Sandpiper. This time it was the turn of the Baird's to stay out of lens reach!

More locally this Rook was a bit more confiding then they usually are.
Weather conditions are looking good for a rarity this coming week with winds coming from the East. In timely fashion BB have published an article on ageing & sexing of Asian chats. Siberian Blue Robin on Hilbre at the weekend?

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