So spake the wise sage of West Kirby after another relatively fruitless few days in the field searching for the elusve biggie on the N Wirral Coast. With Hoopoe, Osprey & Ring Ouzel being reported in N Wales and across the Mersey in Lancs hopes were high for something good but rewards were scant and limited to a few Chiffchaffs and Wheatears. Hilbre scored Thursday with an early Tree Pipit - a good find and probably the earliest in Cheshire.

Trips to Hilbre Friday and Saturday meant two early morning starts! The first Wheatears of the year were caught and ringed and a good passage of both Gannets and Little Gulls kept the troops entertained whilst we sustained ourselves with Mrs Williams' incomparable chocolate melting moments. The male Eider put in a brief appearance flying past the N end before promptly disappearing and two Merlins meant the Meadow Pipits were in a constant state of agitation.

Birding is all about getting out and enjoying the fresh air and countryside so a derelict patch of ground in Bromborough, surrounded by wire fences, fly tipping and with the stench of two stroke in the air from the trail bikes roaring up and down, wasn't exactly a salubrious place to be. It did have some benefits though - a Little Ringed Plover amongst the displaying Ringed Plover and a good flock of alba Wagtails witha single White Wagtail amongst them. Found by the Wirral's premier Bacon Butty maker along with his side kick who, not content with snaffling the rest of the melting moments also snaffled a Bacon Butty with my name on it...................
Local home the Buzzards are displaying and an afternoon stroll with Molly also resulted in two Sand Martins battling north against a head wind.

Spring is here but the going is tough as the migrants slowly tricke in.