
20 Jan 2009

I'm officially irrepressible!

Thanks to Jono my names in Birdwatch magazine and I'm officially described as irrepressible! So much so that contrary to official expectations I'm back at work and relatively mobile although the stitches are still in place for another week. The only shoes I can get on over the bandages are my sons size 10 hiking boots!

I even managed a short walk aided by a stick Saturday as the missus drove us to nearby spot where I could hobble without being booged down in mud. The stubble each side of the lane held an impressive number of Chaffinches. We estimated 100 -150 with a single female Brambling amongst them!

The enforced layoff resulted in 16 species of bird being recorded in the garden during the week with a further 10 flyovers! Blue Tits were the commonest species followed by Chaffinch. Suprisingly 2 Coal Tits were present all week and were probably part of the big influx from the continent noted else where in the UK.

No Blue Tits were harmed in taking these photo's and they weren't flushed! I'm on the inside of the conservatory and they're peering in. Unlike some other numpty who allegedly chased a Great-northern Diver around West Kirby Marine Lake in a rubber dinghy I believe. The same guy who decided to sit in the middle of the Hen Harrier roost site at Parkgate before Christmas apparently.....

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