A happy coincidence today saw me leaving a meeting in Hull just as news broke of a
Great Snipe a few miles north near Bempton. Plenty of time for me to get there in time for the organised flush at 14.oo! The bird wasn't in the original area of set-aside but was soon relocated and all 150 birders present had excellent and prolonged flight views of this enigmatic species. 2008 has been an exceptional year for them in the UK!! Well done to the finder, Keith, who's local patch it was. Arrangements were made with a local farmer to park on his stubble field at a cost of £2.00 /car and all money went to the local nursery. For once everyone was well behaved and obeyed on site instructions..............................
Nearer home an Ortolan Bunting has been showing its proverbials off at Soldiers Point, Anglesey. Feeding on the strand line with Meadow & Rock Pipits it proved very confiding and photogenic -an oppurtunity not to be missed. I arrived just as the rain stopped and sat patiently by myself on the beach waiting for it to come closer.

Much better than chasing dodgy Flycatchers in Scotland & Norflok. With a few Wrynecks & Red-backed Shrikes turning up in Lancashire and the Great Orme & Anglesey also getting in on the act I predict a goodie in Cheshire within the next few days.
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