
9 Oct 2024

Fair Isle Bird Observatory.

Fair Isle Bird Observatory has been present in one form or another since 1948 when the original observatory was housed in a complex of old naval huts at North Haven. In 1969 a second newer Obs was built in the same location and this lasted until the 'new' obs was built in 2010.  Visited the 2nd incarnation of the Obs when twitching the UK"s first Citril Finch in 2008 and in later years stayed at the 'new' obs that opened in 2010. This unfortunately burnt down in march 2019 and its taken a long time for the Obs to be rebuilt. Fair Isle is a hard place to get to let alone build a brand new bird observatory akin to a 40 room 3 star hotel and it was no surprise that bad weather delayed the project and it was thrown into more disarray when the main contractor went into voluntary liquidation.  See here for a history of the Obs and here for details of the fire and rebuild.

Over the past three years we've watched as the new, new Obs has risen phenoix like from the ashes and during our recent visit got a tour of the new building by Chairman Dougie Barr. The orignianl project manager from the failed contracting company has been directly employed and the Obs committee are now managing the rest of the rebuild themselves. During our visit the place was buzzing with activity with 2nd fix electrics and plumbing being installed along with the sprinkler system. Theres still along way to go but it looks as if a full opening next autumn is well on schedule. By the end of this year there should be definite signs that the finish is in sight. Once the electrics are finished the suspended ceilings can be installed and the interior will look a lot different.

Inside theres a few changes to the original layout. There's no Obs shop and items for sale will be displayed in glass cases i nthe larger lounge area. The kitchen is larger as is the dining room and ringing room. The library is in a separate room whereas before it used to be accessed in the L shaped lounge. larger picture windows are fitted to the lounge and dining room for viewing the 'garden' plantation and nearby North Haven. Upstairs the rooms are either singles or twins with a disabled access room again on the ground floor as previously. The rooms are slightly smaller than previously but all have ensuite bathrooms. Theres a larger laundry room with separate washing machines for staff and residents use. Another major difference is the new building is rendered on the outside whereas the previous one was timber clad.

Previous Obs building was timber clad

The plan is to have a separate director of ornithology and director of hospitality and the accommodation ahs been designed as two separate flats or one big flat depending on whether its a couple who takeover the roles or two individuals. 

The devastating fire was caused by a faulty electrical connection from solar panels located on the roof. This time there will be a separate solar field on a nearby hillside with this being owned by the island and the electricity sold to the Obs.

View of the Obs whena pproaching along the road from the south with the 'directors' flats behind the vans

Front elevation 

Large picture windows in the lounge area

View looking back up to the Obs from North Haven

Side elevation showing the 'obs garden' plantation

Rear elevation with generator shed and 'garage' in foreground

Its a very impressive new building and once again will be at the heart of the islands community providing jobs and helping with the local economy.  Even the most tight fisted birders spend money on food and snacks so Stackhoull stores will benefit as will the islands community of Fair Isle knitters.  Heres hoping I get back next year and meet up with Alex, Luke & Jonny again.

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