
20 Sept 2024

Fair Isle 2024. Two birds in the hand....

Ortolan Buntings have become pretty scarce birds in the UK and even more so on Fair Isle! One had been found the day before we arrived and was still around that day. After seeing the Tennessee Warbler we decided to head towards 'the plantation' where it had been last reported. Unfortunately there was no sign. Roll on Tuesday morning when, after paying homage to the Tennessee Warbler again and slowly heading north, following various ditches and dykes, a message came through that Alex had caught the Ortolan in the plantation heligoland trap. We could see it from where we were stood on the hillside opposite so hurried down to view this beautifully marked bunting that, sadly, is still getting hunted as a delicacy in France and whose numbers have drastically declined. It says a lot that I saw Cretzchmars Bunting on Fair Isle before Ortolan! See here for details of that bird.

Discussing the ageing and sexing of Ortolan Bunting at the plantation ringing hut. Left to right: Matt Wilmott, me, Alex Penn (acting warden FIBO), Jase

What a cracking start to what would turn out to be another magical day. With the arrival of Nina & Rob the conversation was interrupted by Rob yelling 'Turtle Dove' and we all watched as this other over-hunted migrant flew past and landed in the heather opposite. Chatting away we discovered that Dougie Barr (FIBO Chairman) had offered us all a tour around the soon to be completed new Bird Observatory so Rob rang him and suggested as we were almost there now would be a good time for us all to meet him for a guided tour. Dougie agreed to meet us and we set off only for Rob and Nina to find a wing-barred phylosc in the Obs garden which was either an Arctic or Greenish Warbler. No sooner had we finished our tour then Luke rang to say the warbler had been caught in one of the standardised mist net sites and was an Arctic Warbler! A 10 m walk and we were admiring our 2nd rare bird of the day in the hand.


The rest of the day was spent hunting for new birds in the crofts and along the dykes and ditches as you have to do when on Fair Isle before returning to our accommodation at Burkle where Holly had kindly invited the Obs guys along wit hRob & Nina for dinner and a chance to do the daily log all together. After a few beers and a fabulous meal log was called and a happy bunch of birders retired to bed dreaming of what the next few days would bring.

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