
6 Jul 2020

Stock Doves

Stock Doves are the daintier and prettier relatives of the Wood Pigeon. Unlike Wood Pigeons, whose nest is a random collection of intercrossed sticks that barely looks strong enough to hold their eggs, Stock Doves nest in holes in trees and take to boxes easily. We had a pair take over a Little Owl box a few years ago and despite the attractive appearance of the adults the young are plug ugly and their box hygiene leaves a lot to be desired. They're absolutely rancid!

Above: young Stock Doves in a Little Owl box at Barry's place.

They nest near us but we rarely see them in the garden. They've inspected the Tawny Owl box we've got but I think the constant disturbance puts them off nesting. They have started visiting in the early morning or late evening and feeding on spilt seed beneath the bird feeders. They're very wary and if they see the slightest movement in the house they're off. Trying to get a photo from outside was impossible so I eventually managed to get a couple through the window.

Even more satisfying - I managed to ring one. A garden first.

Pigeons and doves moult throughout the year and can be difficult to age. This one was a 2nd calendar year (Euring 5) bird based on some of its browner retained juvenile median coverts and some older very worn & faded primaries.

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Hi I've come across a stock dove on my bird feeder never seen them before around the wirral area it was amazing to see it. I took photos of it on my iPad