
13 May 2018

Wildflower gardening

Once of the aims in our new garden was to keep some areas wild for pollinating insects. We've duly bought wildflower plug plants in a couple of areas and even transplanted yellow flag irises that were dug up and left on the verge when the ditch opposite the house was cleared. They're now establishing themselves in our ditch!

Leaving areas un-mown where we've planted wildflowers has had an added benefit - we've found a small patch of Wood Sorrel growing in a shady area and even a Common Spotted Orchid rosette - hopefully it will flower. Other plants we've encouraged rather than treating as weeds are lesser celandine, dandelion & ladies smock - great for Orange Tip butterflies.
 Wood Sorrel
Spotted Orchid

Plants we've deliberately planted have been native bluebells, red campion,  ox-eye daisy,  betony, cowslip, greater knapweed & harebells. Hopefully when they all flower they'll attrtact more butterflies and bees.


 Blue Bells
 Ladies Smock
 Lesser Celandine
 Primrose - past their best now! 
Red Campion beginning to flower.

Hopefully all these will set seed and we'll have the start of a small wildlfower garden for years to come.

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