
28 Nov 2016

Bitterly cold in N Wales.

 I was out canon netting with SCAN Saturday on the coldest morning of the year so far. -3C the thermometer in the car read when  I left home and it didn't rise much higher all day!

With an early tide it was an early catch and I was packed up and home just after 1 pm. We caught just after dawn and once the birds had all been safely extracted and placed in holding cages we packed up the gear as the sun was rising.

It was a good mixed catch of Redshank, Oystercatchers, Dunlin and Turnstone with some good re-trap data being obtained.

 Beautiful adult Redshank
 Euring 3 (born this year) Redshank with pale spots on edges of tertials almost worn off

Above: Otstercatcher Euring age 8 (meaning it was hatched at least three years ago with deep red iris.

A great mornings work but after only 3 hours sleep the previous night I was glad to get back, grab a shower and get some hot food.

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