
13 Mar 2011

Now spring has arrived!

The local pond is heaving with amphibian porn as the Common Frogs have seemingly survived being frozen and making the most of the milder weather. I've never seen so much frog spawn on this pond and last night the frogs could be heard croaking from the open bathroom window.

Hilbre have had their first spring migrants - starting with a couple of Stonechats during the week and finishing up this weekend with White Wagtail & Sand Martin. Still no Wheatear yet but they've been seen on the nearby mainland.

A sad sight on the journey over today was this dead seal pup on the sand between West Kirby & Little Eye. I'm not sure if its Common or Grey Seal yet but a real shame.
Plenty of activity on the ground today with a male Chaffinch (the 4th Chaffinch to be caught this month!), Robin and Song Thrush being caught and ringed. The Song Thrush was interesting as it seemed to show damage to its upper mandible that has managed to heal.

The stiff westerly whipped the white horses up and there was snow first thing on the hills but as the sun broke through and the wind dropped it turned into a beautiful spring day. The early breeze meant a few seabirds were see with a handful of Gannets & Little Gulls put in a welcome appearance. As usual the Brent's put on a good display even though they were disturbed by a thoughtless photographer disturbing them off the strand line trying to get closer than was necessary.

A close scrutiny recorded a winter high of 192 Pale-bellied Brents.

With the rugby on TV and visitor numbers making the island a very crowded place we departed around one o'clock and left the visitors to enjoy the rest of the day.


Kah-Wai Lin said...

Great! Spring is approaching in Sweden too:)

Kah Wai

Phil Woollen. said...

Cheers Kah-Wai Lin. Where abouts in Sweden are you?

jd said...

Hi, was out with the camera and saw the buzzards kettling at Burton yesterday, counted 7 at one point. Also saw a pair mating shortly after that. While they were kettling a couple got quite acrobatic, whether that was fighting or flirting I'm not sure. A Kestrel and Hen Harrier also put in an appearance.