A quick trip to Frodsham on the way back from working in Runcorn gave me an oppurtunity to catch up with the two Black Terns found by Frank Duff on No. 6 tank. Hoping to photograph them I was a bit disappointed when they resolutely refused to fly any clsoer than the middle of a wind swept lagoon.

No waders about but a good passage of Sand Martins passing through. I estimated 5 -600 birds in an hour. Two Buzzards enjoyed the stiff breeze and hung hovering facing into the wind to disprove the often quoted theory that a hovering Buzzard must be a Rough-legged...............I'll wait with anticipation at the next posting on Bird Forum claiming Rough-legged Buzzard from the M56!
The title of this post is a reference to the not so sharp shooters employed by DEFRA to rid the area of Ruddy Ducks. At least 30 birds were present today including this brood of 6.

Still at least they've got the winter to practice.