The quiet period continues. Nationally Spurn scored this week with both Pacific & Little Swifts being reported whilst Lancs has another Rose-coloured Starling. Early wader passage has started with Curlews heard flying over the house at midnight last night and the odd Green Sandpiper & Greenshank turning up
Its awhile since I'd been to Thurstaston Common so decided to take a walk up there Saturday morning. This area looks really good for Tree Pipit but unfortunately they seem to ignore it! This must be the best place on the Wirral for guaranteed Yellowhammer sightings with at least 10 different males singing from a variety of perches.

Elsewhere Stanney Woods is full of newly fledged tits but still no sign of any Marsh Tits. The railway embankment Lesser Whitethroat can still be heard singing occasionally and the Wrens beneath the porch look like they're almost ready to fledge.

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