29 Jun 2008
June doldrums.

23 Jun 2008
A stormy day on Hilbre

After my previous posting concerning the effects of the Countys magnetic repulsion of rarities it turns out the neighbouring Counties of Lancashire and N Wales have scored again this week with singing Melodious Warbler and not one but two Rose-coloured Starlings respectively.
16 Jun 2008
The Birds and the Bees.
The only bird of note locally was the escaped Harris Hawk that seems to be shacked up with a Common Buzzard and can be seen along the A41 between Backford and the intersection with the A5117. Any young produced are going to result in some very interesting sightings later in the year. This bird seems to be fairing well and has been on the run from at least November 2007.
Using my Audobon bird caller to call out a Sylvia warbler that flew across the path in front of me and dived into a field of Wheat had an unexpected result. After only a few seconds 'squeaking' a Weasel ran out of the hedgerow towards me until realising its error and shot off with Molly in pursuit.
News of a Red-necked Phalarope at Neumans flash raised the pulse momentarily until the realisation that it had flown off never to be seen again. Or has it? I'm writing this from a hotel in Tonder, Denmark but news from Cheshire is that this mornings sighting of the R-n Phalarope is probably total b*llocks and someone has misidentified the juvenile Black-winged Stilt that looks like and acts like a Phalarope when swimming.........................
With local birds in short supply I decided to travel the short distance to Inner Marsh Farm RSPB in the hope an unusual wader may have turned up there. There were plenty of waders about with the now customary flock of summering Black-tailed Godwits numbering close to 500+. Amongst them and visible only from the bench and therefore a long way off, were singles of Little-ringed PLover, Greenshank and a stunning summer plumaged Spotted Redshank. Late passage birds or returning non-breeders?
13 Jun 2008
Viewing the World through rose tinted spectacles.

12 Jun 2008
Can you text me cos I'm having a humongous cr*p.
It was whilst in the dentist that ‘Statto’ texted me with the immortal lines that he was organising a charter flight. Was I in or out? Could I let him know by text cos he was currently having a humungous crap. I was in! The weather looked bad and we waited until our pilot, Denis (what a super star) rang us to say he reckoned we were OK to fly! Unbelievably we were on.
Next morning saw Jono, Fred Fearn & myself meet up at 05.45 before heading towards Hull and our flight to Fair Isle. News came through from Jason Atkinson that the bird was still present at the same time as Jono got the news from the Observatory. We were off!

10 Jun 2008
Citril Finch, Fair Isle.
9 Jun 2008
Ley lines and magentic fields.

Garden birds doing OK with 1st juv Goldfinches and Greenfinches visiting the feeders. Most of the young Bluetits were predated with 5 sad little piles of feathers on the lawn. Magpies appear t obe the culprit. The Robins obviously nested nearby as several spotted youngsters are hopping about whilst a Wren is on eggs in a nest above the porch.
3 Jun 2008
Desert Finch comes up Trumps

1 Jun 2008
Cranes and Paynes.
Thursday saw me cadging a ride over to Hilbre again in an attempt to make it three weeks in a row that I'd managed a big bird for Cheshire on this island. No such luck but we did get to see summer plumaged Sanderling - an unusual plumage!
With a good fall of migrants on the east coast including a number of Iccterine & Marsh Warblers we hoped one would turn up on the Wirral but despite much searching nothing was found. Two Common Cranes in Shropshire were distant but photographable and a good record away from Norfolk. I've still to see one of these birds in Cheshire.